HTTPS and categories

Meta-post time, as I’ve made a few site updates. Most notably, HTTPS works now. I wouldn’t say that Chrome 68 pushed me to finally do this, but hearing everyone talk about Chrome 68 was a good reminder that I was really running out of excuses. So, only this site as of right now, I’ll get around to fenipulator, the archive, and a couple of other projects that aren’t actually tied to my name shortly. My hosting provider, NearlyFreeSpeech.NET, has a little shell script in place that makes setting up with Let’s Encrypt an entirely effortless ordeal, with full ACME tools available if necessary. I still need to edit my .htaccess to force the matter.

A while back I also did some category overhauls. There are still quite a few categories that only contain a single post, but that seems likely to change in the future. I got rid of any categories where I didn’t really see myself adding more. I do have a tag taxonomy in place, which I need to start making better use of, for more detailed keywords. I planned to use this (plus categories, plus titles) for a sort of half-baked keyword search implementation, which I may still do at some point. I also ‘fixed’ the problem of categories showing up out of order by just making them all lowercase for the time being. It’s ludicrous to me that Hugo has no case-insensitive sorting.